Salima Al-Ismaili
Salima Al-Ismaili's work explores the spaces of spirituality and dreams. She has shared with us her newest embroidery on canvas.
In addition to the final piece, she gives us a glimpse into her daydreams through her daily sketches.
Untitled by Salima Al-Ismaili (Oman), 2020 - Embroidery on Canvas
“I often dislike afternoons because I end up napping. Besides rested, I tend to wake up feeling lethargic and nauseous. Before getting up, I will sometimes recall a moment and realize that I was most probably being lied to at the time. I grew up thinking that dreams conjured during the day time were the work of the devil. So perhaps whatever lingering after taste was probably the same.
I work for THE MAN, so doing little drawings and doodles feel like a luxury. I enjoyed transferring the drawing style onto canvas by embroidering. This was a particularly fun and freeing experiment. I'm looking forward to stabbing more colorful holes.”
Salima Al-Ismaili
Sketches by Salima Al-Ismaili (Oman), 2020 - Ink on Paper
Casserole Recipe of the Week:
Apple Crisp
Ok, fine! It’s not a casserole but it’s baked in one dish and I make the rules so it counts. This apple crisp recipe is a Pesci favorite. Straight from my mom’s 1990 church cookbook, this recipe hails from a one-room schoolhouse in Miles, Iowa and was the winner of the 1965 Indiana State Fair Apple Judging Day. Double the crust (a must!), eat piping hot with vanilla bean ice cream or cold in the morning with coffee. You can’t go wrong.
From Mom’s church cookbook